Friday, July 29, 2011

I love Young Women!

Well, it's been almost two months now since being called to Young Women and I love it!  We have a small group of girls but they're so lovable!  I jumped in helping them with "pre-camp" stuff:  making "mess-kit" bags (sewing them together), tie-dying t-shirts and ironing on the camp theme logo:  "Reach for the Stars!".  We went to the camp-site and  cleaned it up and built a HUGE firepit right in the middle!  Then, the girls and leaders could arrange their tents around it in a circle!  I enjoy teaching the Sunday lessons too.  We don't have our adviser yet, or secretary . . . I'm sure that will come along soon.  I had a wonderful opportunity to go with the girls and guys to a Tri-Stake Youth Conference in Missoula.  Really well organized.  It lasted three days - lots of workshops, testimony meetings, activities and a huge opportunity to serve.  We had our yellow "Mormon Helping Hands" vests on and had amazing opportunities to talk about the Church.  The food was fantastic!  Our presidency is wonderful!  Tristan Abbott (so sweet) is our President; I'm first Coun. and Merril Lee Rasmussen is 2nd Coun.  We just cleaned out the YW closet - yikes!  But now it is sparkling clean and SO organized!  I just ordered online cute YW things - bookmarks, etc.  Of course I still am the Choir pianist, Ward and Stake organist, but I must admit, this calling (YW) is my absolute favorite!  I thank my lucky stars for having this opportunity again after all these years!


  1. awwww I'm glad that you love it, and I love all the pictures.

  2. I love it too!!! And I know that yw cupboard will stay organized now that you are there!

  3. I feel so left out. YOu, Sarah AND Jenny are all serving in YW.... and I haven't had a meeting in about three months. Maybe I won't complain though! ;) This sounds so fun Mom! Brings me back to my Youth Conference days....
